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The National University of Quilmes (UNQ for its initials in Spanish) was founded in 1989. It is located at the heart of Southern Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, in Bernal City, Quilmes. Three million people live in this region, which centralizes 20% of the country’s industrial establishments. 
Nowadays, the UNQ has over eleven thousand students, distributed among its graduate courses and postgraduate courses of study.
The University’s mission is the production, teaching and transmission of knowledge of the highest quality, in an environment of equality and diversity.
The UNQ’s essential functions are teaching, research, extension courses, human resources formation, technological development, productive innovation and culture promotion.
University Organization
The National University of Quilmes has a departmental structure. The Social Sciences and the Science and Technology Departments, along with the Study and Research Center, provide teachers and researchers for the various diploma and degree courses of study taught at the University.