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Study and Research Center

    The Study and Research Center (CEI for its initials in Spanish) at the UNQ focuses on carrying out high quality research projects, in a multidisciplinary environment open for discussion.
    In order to achieve this purpose, the CEI intends not only to create a space open for debate and the expression of ideas, but also for the presentation of results, by means of seminars and meetings that bring together national and international academic institutions.
    The CEI consists of ten research units that work on different aspects of the Social and Natural Sciences. By these means, it intends to develop a multidisciplinary approach for the different subjects of study.
    It is formed by an excellent staff, with over 50 research teachers from various branches of knowledge, who are nationally and internationally known as remarkable professionals in their respective fields of study. CEI’s members teach at the University and are part of the human resources development program. Most of them belong to the Conicet’s (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) Scientific and Technical Research course of study.
    All the research carried out at the CEI is funded by the National University of Quilmes. Besides, other national and foreign organizations also help finance the researchers’ academic work: Conicet, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (National Scientific and Technological Promotion Agency) and Fundación Antorchas (Antorchas Foundation) among others.
    For more information:
    Study and Research Center (Centro de Estudios e Investigación)
    Phone/Fax Number: (54-11) 4365-7100 Ext. 182